Vipeq provides a quality product installed professionally and guaranteed for 15 years.

Vipeq stands for quality - both in manufacturing - by using the highest quality cork available on earth, but also, in distribution and application. Our distribution network carefully trains and certifies all Vipeq Applicators and stand behind the paroduct and workmanship with a 15 year warranty.

Our unique business model allows us to fully train each certified applicator in both promoting and applying our beloved products. Giving contractors the opportunity to become part of that network, they work alongside our team and brand to expose Thermal CorkShield to the market and to keep up to date and fully trained in all aspects of on-site installation.

Vipeq is the only cork spray to be used and by the Mike Holmes Group. Mike has successfully utilized Vipeq’s Thermal CorkShield on a number of projects over the last half-decade and is passionate about its efficient benefits, its finish, and in regard to the positive environmental aspects. To learn more about the products approval from Mike Holmes, visit the link below:


Why choose Vipeq’s Thermal CorkShield?